CH. O.T.CH. Bluechip Hershey Kisses AG.MX Am. UD CGC CGN TT "TY"
Bluechip Sweet Romeo AG.N "ROMEO"
Bluechip The Great Houdini CDX "ROCKY"
MADC Bluechip Champagne Kisses SAADC SADC SAGDC SGDC "TYSON"
Ty was a methodical, consistent, and reliable dog to work with. He always gave
110% and as a result, he and I breezed through and obtained all his obedience and
agility titles by the time he was 4 years old!! Ty is now retired from his training days
and after helping me through university, he is a complete lazy bum now! His
accomplishments are numerous. To name a few: Conformation Champion,
Obedience Trial Champion, Agility Champion, American Utility, Canine Good Citizen,
Canine Good Neighbour, Temperament Test, Multiple High in Trial awards, High
scoring Toy dog and Papillon in numerous trials, Ranked #10 all breeds, #2 Toy dog,
#1 Papillon in 2003, Dogs In Canada Magazine Cover Dog for May 2004, and most
importantly . . . my Best Friend! Ty is now the proud father of some beautiful
offspring who have been wonderful companions, as well as obtaining various
conformation and performance titles.
We initially kept Joey solely for conformation and for a stud in our breeding
program. Joey's time in the conformation ring was very successful. He achieved
his Canadian championship easily as a junior puppy. After spending some time
at home to mature, Joey entered the ring again as an adult and won numerous
toy group placements and best of breed wins.
Joey has a wonderful "free spirit." He is animated, energetic, keen, and has
speed to burn. He seemed like the perfect candidate for agility. He took to the
equipment like a natural without hesitation. He can definitely outrun me, and he
proved this when he was running 30 seconds under time in his novice trials!!
Joey is the proud father of numerous conformation champions and has some
offspring that is shining in both obedience and agility.
Romeo is owned by a junior handler, Sarah Denomme. Sarah initially got Romeo as
strictly a companion animal, but once she realized his intelligence, drive, and
potential . . . she got hooked on training. Since welcoming Romeo into her household,
she has joined our kennel club and is a regular on the training scene. She has taught
Romeo a wide variety of tricks, exercises in novice and open obedience, and agility.
Romeo achieved his first agility title passing 3 out of 3 trials with beautiful runs.
Romeo's focus on Sarah is unbelievable and they make a wonderful team. I'm looking
forward to seeing how well this team does in the future!
Rocky is owned by Marg Hacking, an amazing obedience trainer in
Southern Ontario. Marg is doing an wonderful job with Rocky and I couldn't
be more proud of this dynamic duo. Rocky's work ethic and spunky
personality has made him a stand out in both the obedience and agility
rings. He is a high in trial winner and competes in both Canada and the
United States.
Tyson is Ty's first son, and he has made his daddy very proud! Tyson and
his owner Krissy Ash have taken the AAC agility ring by storm. Tyson has
a plentiful supply of energy and spunk, and a bold attitude that makes
him a sure eye catcher when he effortlessly whips around the course at
any agility trial. Tyson and Krissy have remarkably earned their MADC
(Masters Agility Dog Championship) title in less than one year of
competing! Congratulations to such an amazing team!

Teddy, a Joey son, is my next performance prospect. From a very young age
his personality and presence captivated me and I knew right away that he was
the next dog I wanted to train. Just like his father Joey, Teddy has speed to
burn and springs in his legs, which makes him quite the perfect little
candidate for dog sports! He loves agility and he is a true joy to have around
the house since he always puts a smile on our faces. In the future, we hope to
obtain more agility titles as well as get more involved with obedience trials.
Bluechip Sweet Inspiration AGN AGNJ "Teddy"
Champion Bluechip Sweet Kissin' Fool "SMOOCH"
Smooch is a rising star that has us all waiting in anticipation for what the
future holds. Following in his daddy's footsteps (Ty) can't be easy! Smooch is
owned and loved by Nadine Livingston of Pink Ribbon Aussies. As a young
boy, Smooch has already earned his championship and is already preparing
for his future in obedience, agility, flyball and rally!! He sure holds his own
with a group of Austrailian Shepherds in the family! Smooch is Pandora's
littermate, who can be seen on our female champion page.
Bluechip Mystic Powers CDX "Austin"
Austin's attentive nature, keen attitude, and desire to work makes him a
true trooper in the obedience world. Austin and owner/trainer Maureen
Baker are turning heads with their smooth and precise obedience
routines. Austin finished his CDX with a bang by winning first in his
class. During his spare time, he loves to visit a local nursing home, and
he sure is a hit when he goes there! What's next for this young star?
Utility and agility training.